How to make my website beautiful?

how to make my website beautiful

Every Businessman wants to know this #1 answer, how beautiful or good looking a website should be?

how to make my website beautiful

Before explaining about the quality of website and look of the website. We need to understand some facts. Which can be explained by digital personality.

Every business has its own personality. For e.g. It is possible that a man can look smart and handsome in a t-shirt but he can look dashing in Formal Shirts. And above that, a look of a person is judged by someone else, not by your mirror.

Saying that, “SOMEONE ELSE” referred above. For a business it’s your target audience. A target audience of a business is dependent on product you sell or service you offer.

If your business is selling Formal Shirts which costs 100USD each, then you cannot expect school children’s to buy it. This is called identifying your target audience.

Therefore 1st step is to identify your target audience, which is the work of marketing and research team of digital personality. A detailed research about your product, identifying your target audience is done which comes under the scope of work of research team.

2nd step – Visual communication department of digital personality helps you create better communication, that suits your target audience.

3rd step – After this design team of digital personality takes over the work, to enhance UI (user interface) and UX (User Experience). Once this is done.

4th step – Development team of digital personality will take over to develop your website or product.

5th step – In the background, with the research data in hand, SEO team will prepare its work for On page and Off Page activity.

6th step – The Digital Marketing Team at digital personality will start optimizing your social media channel based on research that was done earlier.

7th step – AdWords team of Digital personality will take over with keyword research, competitor research, demography research and start your PPC and AdWords account with the marketing budget (Read more about, what should be the marketing budget to spend on AdWords) agreed upon to invest.

Summarizing, how beautiful your website should be?

It should be good looking, created as per your target audience, so that you can sell more. Design can always be enhanced as time passes, new implementations can always be done as per requirement, but losing a time for achieving a perfect design will be a waste of time, money and life for your business.

So don’t lose your expensive time, and don’t complicate your online business too much. It is simple and straight forward work, if done by professionals and experience people.

Hire the super brilliant team of digital personality.

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